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Trapezoidal/ s curve trajectory/"Position Mode" RPM control of BLDC motor

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Vishwa Brahmaiah
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-01-16 01:41
Posts: 2
Trapezoidal/ s curve trajectory/"Position Mode" RPM control of BLDC motor

Hello All,

I am fairly new to the VESC. 

I want to understand how the VESC is capable of a closed loop position mode, where it controls the motor through position feed back and desired position.

Standard industrial controllers have velocity mode, position mode, and torque mode. 
Most of the videos online seem to just talk about Velocity mode for the VESC, where you input a speed and the motor tries to get there as fast as possible (depending on the current limit, etc.).

But with Position mode we can precisely control the acceleration.


Any help in how I can dig up information on this will be highly appreciated. 


Thank you!

Best wishes


Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-14 10:21
Posts: 1

My PPM input is unusable.  I've got a remote-controller that uses UART instead of PPM, and exact same setup works fine with that... so might be a PPM input problem or bug in code relating to that






Happy Wheels