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Vesc for 5000kW QS 205 Hub Motor ebike

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Vesc for 5000kW QS 205 Hub Motor ebike

I am running 3.5 turn QS Hub motor in 16 inch moto wheel and was wondering what would go wrong if I will have ves similar to 75/300 for it? 

Anyone tried yet? 

Would it be possible to run at 100-120 battery amps constant? 


Last seen: 2 days 4 hours ago
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Hi Amiran,


What voltage is your system? There are some VESC based projects under development that are aimed at up to 20S :)

Last seen: 2 days 4 hours ago
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Hey Amiran,

I am running the water cooled 200A VESC from Flipsky with a QS 205 hub motor on my bike and am having issues with it. I need to spend more time working on the settings because right now I can spin the rear wheel fine with no load but once I load the tire it cogs really bad and will only run for a few seconds before setting a fault. I love the VESC platform and was thinking about trying the 75/300, have you tried it yet?

One other note, I havent been able to get the hall sensors working yet so I am running it completely in sensorless mode. Hopefully this week I'll be able to adjust the settings and get the hall sensors working, if I get it going I will let you know

Good luck, let me know if you tried it yet

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Running a QS205 motor at 109v/26s max with my controller: 




NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

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Were you able to run qs205 50h on vesc? What does the programming process look like. How it works. Honestly, I am considering the vesc100 / 250 or 75/300 version. What is the phase current for these versions? Is the hybrid function working properly? Is it possible to program a start using the hall and then switch to sensorless? What are your observations? So far I have used kelly, sabvoton, ASI, Votol, Kungteng, nuclear, etc. Thank you for your help

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Have been running my controller hardware with qs205 v3 for three years now.  26s battery, 100A batt, 300phase. Can push more amps but the bike pops the wheelie above 300A, so feels unsafe.

QS205 would overheat after 10 min of hard accelerations at around 30C ambient temperature, so I added hubsinks and statoraid - it helps quite a bit.

Here is my process setting up any new motor and it would be similar in the vesc tool:




NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

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Hi Vadicus, I have the Spintend 100v100A for my qs 205. there's some cogging at low RPM in sensored mode, wondering if you've had that problem.

What aer your settings in FOC, like open loop erpm and sensorless erpm etc?

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I've got a qs 205 motor too, trying to tune it on the vesc 100/250 but I keep getting the grinding, I guess they call it cogging. I can't run it at all using the keyboard arrows, maybe I need more current.

any idea what settings to use?  it seems to sound ok during the wizard autodetect rotations.

doh!  I calculated max erpm wrong, it goes full speed now but there must be a way to not make it bump when it hits max rpm.

still can't get motor control with keyboard arrows, must be missing something other than that keyboard control enable button, current and duty cycle are set high too.

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I'm trying to tune that motor with my vesc 100/250 now but I'm getting a lot of clunking.

maybe I need higher current settings, i dunno


wrong max erpm settings calculation

Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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250A phase max would be a bit underpowered for that heavy QS205 v3 if you ask me. Regarding cogging. assuming the motor detection ran correctly and you saved reasonable values for the motor, the halls are getting lots of noise and most VESC based designs are sensitive to that. The issue can manifest itself as motors running rough in the hall operation range and momentary losing power during the sensorless transition. These transitions can be as bad as complete loss of power during the sensorless transition due to triggering overcurrent. It's not just annoying but dangerous. Imagine trying to accelerate from a traffic stop and/or from a dangerous situations and it's cutting out.

What helps is adding some filtering on the hall sensors, however, the whole idea of connecting long hall wires with the MCU shared ground and power line bundled in the same cable with phase wires direct to sensitive control circuit is basically asking for a trouble. 



NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (