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Dual Hybrid mode

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2019-01-11 09:47
Posts: 1
Dual Hybrid mode


i'm new in the vesc world, and first of all i want to thank benjamin for all his work. vesc is the best solution for a brushless dc motor. second, sorry for my english. i normely speak german.

there are a lot of discussion about foc, bldc, sensored and sensorless motors. all of them has their advantages and disadvantages. foc mode have great torque and is quieter on the start but louses his benefits at high erpm because of switchinglosses (speciali on the vesc 4.xx because of the limitation of 20khz for the mosfet).

next is bldc. it has a bit of problems at the start when a lot of torque is needed (special sensorless) but on high rpm its better then foc.

the next thing is sensored and sensorless motors. sensored motors are good for low erpm because the esc always know on witch position the motor is, but on high speeds the sensors can give some wrong informatiom. this problem is solved by the hybridmode. You can set the erpm for witch the vesc is starting to ignore the sensors.

my question now is, is it possible to start in sensored foc mode (because lot of torque an quieter) and then go to sensorless bldc mod. so you can combine the advantages of all the three things (foc, bldc and sensors).

is this generel right what i'm saying and can the vesc switch between those two modes? or does the vesc already do that?



Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2018-09-21 13:03
Posts: 5

The setting you're looking for is called Sensorless ERPM, in the Motor Settings > FOC > Encoder tab. See screenshot:
