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Help with Built-in NRF24 and custom remote

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Help with Built-in NRF24 and custom remote

Hi folks :-)

So I have been working on a custom remote for the past week, planning to use the built-in NRF24-module on the VESC 6.4. However I have no idea, of where to start. I have tried using the "Input Setup Wizard" in the VESC-tool, however it can't seem to pair with my custom NRF-remote. Does anyone know how to set a nrf24l01 in this so-called "pairing mode"? I haven't been able to find any examples online, not even an Arduino-example.

If I am able to connect the two NRF-modules, how does the communication work? Do I send commands to the VESC and how can I get real-time data from the VESC across the same connection? Can't seem to find any information about this topic.

I hope some of you could shed some light upon this mystery :-D

- Emil

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Hi everyone,
Sorry for hitchhiking your thread, but I have a similar question. I'm struggling with the nyko karma nunchuk due to interrupted connection... Sometimes I'm not able to break or accelerate. That's why I want to build my own Nrf remote, too. But I cannot find a detailed description how to build it, which parts I need or where to buy a pcb with all necessary components already soldered.
Could somebody give me a suggestion?

Best, boesila

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I think frank posted a wrong link and he means github.
You can find everything you need to now about building the hardware here: and the regarding firmware here:
I haven't tested if the current available firmware of the nunchuk is working with the newest FW 3.25 of the VESC.

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See, this is why the VESC-Project needs this website and build up a documentation. Maybe we can make some PCBs. I'll check that. Frank
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F/W is 3.26 on the vesc at the moment. i think new update available should be posted on here instead of only finding out when you connect to vesc tool. is that possible please Benjamin.

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Sorry, copied the wrong link in and didn't realize it. Thx Hexakopter! Frank
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Hi Frank, I want to make a simple remote with a NRF-module and a Arduino for calculating etc. How can I use the built-in NRF-module for this? It would be easy to make a reciever board myself to connect PWM or UART input on the VESC 6, however I think its a shame not to utilize the built-in NRF :-)... The nunchuch mod Benjamin has been doing is awesome, however it is neither easy to produce yourself, nor copy onto your own project! Any help would be appreciated
- Emil

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So you habe a project on the boil... If I had the time to design a remote it would have happened already. I think the fastest way forward is to have some PCBs made, exactly as the design shown. Frank
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As Benjamin told us, we can consider Nunchuck mod firmware on Github completely compatible with VESC6 (3.26 currently), right ?

I think we are though in lack of documentation about communication with VESC (UART, can-bus or nRF now).
IMHO, it's a really important point because we are beta testing and we need tools to datalog/monitor the behaviour of the VESC.
Otherwise, if we encounter any issues, we can't give enough feedback to diagnose.
Aren't agree with that ?

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Maybe you should have a look here for something arduino related:

EDIT.: Looks like there is a bug when reply to messages. I replied to #8 instead of #10.

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The NRF firmware on my github is working, that's what I'm using myself.

Regarding the communication protocol, here is one file with almost the same same version:
The only difference is that the ADC app has two more options. That file and this post
should be enough to get the communication running. I will collect this in the documentation pages soon.

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I will take your Nunchuk mod FW as reference.
Thank you very much for clarifying this and for the future documentation.

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Hi Benjamin, thanks for the examples. You don't explain how to establish the connection between the built-in NRF-module and another NRF? My VESC 6 hasn't been able to connect to any NRF-module yet, how does one put a NRF24L01 module in this "pairing mode" you mention in the VESC-tool? :-) This is the first time I play around with a VESC at all, so forgive me if I have overlooked something - I am trying to learn as much as possible!

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Hi Benjamin, are you able to recommend settings for using your nrf nunchuck mod with vesc 6. tx power?, speed?, crc?, etc. 

i am having a problem that did not happen when using the nrf nunchuk with my vesc 4.12 and i want to make sure i have the correct settings.


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Did you manage to connect to the built-in nrf in the vesc with an arduino+nrf ?

I want to do the same thing but no idea how to configure nrf on arduino side to connect to the vesc.

I want to send data the vesc over nrf. but right now receiving alive packet from vesc on the arduino would be great enough....