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ADC Input Change

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2017-10-05 13:24
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ADC Input Change

Hi there

I have an VESC 4.12. As I soldered around on the Vesc it seems like the ADC1 is broken now. Im using mine for an diy Ebike so i have a hall throttle hooked up to it. The signal seems stuck on 2V even when i havent pluged in anything to it. So i checked the ADC2 which seems to be still working well. My problem is now that i cant use ADC2 for Current Control. Is there a way to exchange those signals in the software. It would be sad if i had to buy a new vesc just because of one broken ADC pin.

Thank you in advance


Last seen: 3 weeks 5 days ago
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Joined: 2016-12-26 15:20
Posts: 490

A quick update in app_adc.c should do the trick:

replace all ADC_IND_EXT with ADC_IND_EXT2

alternatively, you can change the hwconf file.

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

Hi Benjamin,

Can you update the Github Source Code with the latest version, please?

It seems to be stucked on the 3.33 firmware version.

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2017-10-05 13:24
Posts: 2


Thank you so much!


Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-02-27 18:32
Posts: 2

Unfortunately, I also have this problem.
I have modified the app_adc.c file, however, I don't know what to do next...
Would you be able to help me?

Thank you in advance.

Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-02-27 18:32
Posts: 2

Unfortunately, I also have this problem.
I have modified the app_adc.c file, however, I don't know what to do next...
Would you be able to help me?

Thank you in advance.

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2021-01-20 06:32
Posts: 2

Me too. I'm having the same issue with the "FSESC 6.6". And I'm using the newest firmware 5.2.

It's a vesc with a single output. Only one motor. 60A Longboard Electrico FSESC 6.6 based upon VESC® 6 with Heat Sink e skateboard Accessories|Parts & Accessories| - AliExpress


I use it on my scooter. I only have a 3 wire throttle connected to ADC1. But ADC1 got broken after one day of use. It shows the ADC1 at full throttle even though there isn't anything connected to ADC1. 

Now I cannot use my scooter because I can't find a way to set up  the vesc to replace the ADC1 signal with the ADC2 signal.

Anyone can help? I'm working on this for the last 8 days cannot find a solution.


Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2020-06-28 19:52
Posts: 9

Hi folks,

I had the same problem. ADC1 got stuck on 2V. It was still possible to get it higher by the throttle, but not lower. So I changed settings to Off <2V and On 3V. Using it on a 250W-bike it is not much issue having less range for the control. Another option is to use the LISP interpreter instead of a newly compiled version, which has to be done with any version update. There you just copy the values of ADC2 on the current control, using own filter for the ADC2 input. Of course disabling the control of ADC1 first via VESC-tool setup.