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Brake hiccup

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Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Brake hiccup

Running 63100 motors with trampa vesc's and I'm getting like a brake hiccup ie the board brakes on its own whilst riding can I change anything in settings to prevent this ,on 5.3 don't think it happened as much on 5.2 

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What are the max motor amps? Any fault codes?

Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Motor amp were 79.48 just lowered them to 74.48 and never any fault codes 

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You can lower the time constant in the Motor FOC tab. Use 500uS instead of 1000uS. Don't re-detect, just change the value and click Calc Apply Old. Then write the changed values to the VESC 6. Do this for both sides. 500uS will reduce the current spikes a bit. With 75 A you should be fine and that is a setting that is good motor heat wise. Pushing more amps to such small motors typically creates over temp issues anyway.

Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Worked out the problem frank the new tool and firmware I downloaded from vesc project must be corrupted somehow because both boards I own have the same problem both boards have trampa vesc's but different motors the summer board I took out today had the same brake hiccup so going to wipe tool off of phone redownload and reprogram the vesc's,how does that sound 

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Please describe in more detail the brake hiccup.

Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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On a 10 mile ride it happened today 4 times best described your going along you coast them go to accelerate and the board brakes for less than a second then accelerates as normal 

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What are the faults? What are the Amp settings?

Phill Dixon
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No faults come up ,happening on 2 boards both have trampa vesc one is on hfi the other on sensors 2 different types of motor changed the wand so not that 

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Looks like a connection hicup to the Wand, not a VESC/Motor issue.

Phill Dixon
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On two different boards and two different wands it's a big wtf

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where is the reciever located?

Phill Dixon
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Plastic sided ali top case never drops out of signal + if it did lose signal would it apply brakes 

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Sometimes going from acceleration to free rolling (with the inertia from the motors and drives) feels like brakes. You actually feel the shift in acceleration from positive to negative. Try to find a spot where the dongle has the best possible reception. The dongle sits ideally horizontal. Are those dongles marked NRF 52840 below the Trampa Logo?

Phill Dixon
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Yo frank the dongles are the newer ones I'm not a new rider so I know how the board should ride sometimes when this brake thing happens I can leave a 10 inch skid on the ground so it's definitely brakeing not anything else,thanks for trying to help bro

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Do you log your rides, or is your smart phone connected while riding?

Phill Dixon
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Phone not connected functions off

Phill Dixon
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Just done 11miles off road and not letting my thumb off ,so no blast roll accelerating which seemed to trigger the brake hiccup but keeping a bit of power on most of the time and did not get any hiccup brake issues so I think I now what triggers it but don't know why

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I'm currently experiencing the exact same issue with my Lacroix Lonestar SuperSport!

Its either when I come to a stop or start accelerating that I would periodically experience my board brake for a fraction of a second, but never under sustained speeds.

I came to the forms to try to find some guidance how to decipher what I'm looking at when I reviewing the VESC Tool looks under 'Log Analysis'

I've been having this issue for several weeks and my board has been using stock settings. I've basically only backed up my settings and use the app to monitor battery levels

I just found it odd to find the top thread what I was looking to figure out, as well

Last seen: 10 months 3 weeks ago
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Its definitely brakes. I was off the board today after picking it over a construction site. I moved the board with the remote and just as it crept forward it came to stop without me hitting the brakes. Its only for just a moment.

Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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I think it's a firmware issue either not downloaded properly something wrong at source maybe but not a settings issue 

Tim Rushworth
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I've been getting the same thing on my Trampa wand. As described above, after about ten miles there is sudden loss of power (as though I had taken my thumb off the throttle). I'm not sure if this is braking or loss of power / connection, but my wand message "Faulty Remote please refer to manuals". I can't see any advise on this issue anywhere else, so I assume it's a new fault. I have recently downloaded the iOS app but at the time this happened my phone VESC app was not switched on or connected to the board.

It only happened after I had updated the firmware on the app, so maybe this is the cause?

Tim Rushworth

Tim Rushworth
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I've been getting the same thing on my Trampa wand. As described above, after about ten miles there is sudden loss of power (as though I had taken my thumb off the throttle). I'm not sure if this is braking or loss of power / connection, but my wand message "Faulty Remote please refer to manuals". I can't see any advise on this issue anywhere else, so I assume it's a new fault. I have recently downloaded the iOS app but at the time this happened my phone VESC app was not switched on or connected to the board.

It only happened after I had updated the firmware on the app, so maybe this is the cause?

Tim Rushworth

Phill Dixon
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Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Your wand needs a new potentialometer  ie joystick shrottle thing common that they break