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single 6374 FOC ride log + question on temp cutoff

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Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:23
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single 6374 FOC ride log + question on temp cutoff

Hi guys,

the VESC 6 is amazing, FOC detection worked straight away and I didn't have to adjust any other parameter, I think I'm getting good results but I never played with the FOC settings to be honest. I know that a 10 or 12S would be more efficient but as I had 97mm wheels and 15/36T as gearing I went 8S (li-ion 8S5P) because I was scared of going too fast, I know that with a 10S and w/ rate-limiting the rpms it will be much better... I will think about it ^^

Long story short I logged today's ride where I tried to stress test the board, I tried climbing a hill, going full speed afterwards and a braking test (full break going slowly downhill)

(edit: links don't work anymore? so I'll put the minutes and you can see them from the full ride, just select the range from the chart based on the timestamps if you're interested - )

First log - hill: (20:22:20 -> 20:24:00)

I was able to climb a very steep hill - full throttle from flat, reaching a 36km/h when it was more flat but not going less than 27km/h (0.6km 6% average grade)

Flat: ( 20:24:00 -> 20:26:00)

Straight away I was able to ride on flat at max speed no problem, something that with a single vesc 4.12 was not even thinkable because of mosfets overheating

Full ride:

Braking: - 20:44:40

I'm waiting for the official code to be public because I would like to code a simple vesc logger or adapt this one ( - which is awesome btw) to the v6

edit: lol I noticed links don't work really well now ... hopefully it's just a temporary bug ^^

edit2: more infos + pics >

EDIT3: fixed links!

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Nice that you share your experience with us! Frank
Last seen: 4 days 15 hours ago
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If you get a cutoff again, can you leave power connected, plug in USB and read the fault codes from VESC Tool (Terminal > print fault codes in the top menu)?
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:23
Posts: 3

Ok I'll do it for sure

btw I noticed one thing: the current / rpm / duty cycle / everything curves (even in BLDC) are much smoother on the 6, so overall the acceleration is smoother and the motor runs more silent I as far as I can tell