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Firmware update failing (from V3.38 to V6)

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Joined: 2017-12-22 19:24
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Firmware update failing (from V3.38 to V6)


after a long time I got my hands on my Trampa VESC 6 (HW60) again. It currently has firmware V3.38 installed and is working flawlessly with the 0.94 VESC Tool.

Now I want to update the firmware to be used in the new VESC-Tool 6 but I am unable to do it. Every time I update, power cycle and reconnect I am stuck with the V3.38. I also tried to update the bootloader but this has no effect aswell.

Do I need to update the newest firmware from the VESC-Tool 0.94 and if so, where can I find it?

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