I am working on a project with Vesc. I can control motor with Vesc Tools. but now i need to create a GUI and from there i want to choose rpm/duty cycles ,etc. Do someone here know how can i communicate between my Gui code and Vesc Tools ?
I am working on a project with Vesc. I can control motor with Vesc Tools. but now i need to create a GUI and from there i want to choose rpm/duty cycles ,etc. Do someone here know how can i communicate between my Gui code and Vesc Tools ?
a replacement gui out of vesctool?
Hi, yes i want to create a gui which will communicate with vesctool for example if i want my motor to run at specific speed i want to take that argument from user on my gui and run motor through vesctool.
There is no need to communicate over vesctool. You can communicate with the vesc directly via serial protocol
Hi, Thanks for your answer. Suppose I have raspberry pi vesc and bldc motor. Do you have any advice for me on how to start controlling the motor without vesc tool? Because with vesc tool I can run the motor as fast I want. But when it comes to serial protocol, I have no idea how to start sending commands. Thanks again for your time.
There is an Arduino project you can use as starting point: https://github.com/SolidGeek/VescUart
But for the raspberry you have to write your own code, i think. Maybe there is a port somewhere... ask google
you can look at the vesctool code, too. it is not so difficult to build the messages for the vesc
Thanks i am going to work on it.
I've been using a modified version of PyVESC https://github.com/LiamBindle/PyVESC on my Raspberry Pi chatting to VESCs.
thanks for update