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Step by Step Setup

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Step by Step Setup

Here the link to the documentation of VESC-Tool. I took some time to make screenshots and ad in explanations.

I hope this will help many people to get their settings straight or to get started faster.

I will try to g deeper into the matter over time.



Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

Thanks Frank.

Looking eagerly the following, especially advanced tabs and how to set speed control parameters.

In the 3.29 version ,I have problem with sampled data, see RSR post

Have a Nice Day.


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We will update the tweaks section over the time. I try to ad in as many tweaks as possible. Just did the motor reverse funktion. ERPM limits are next.


Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2017-10-01 19:38
Posts: 15

Thanks for posting this documentation, I read through it and learned several new things.

I have a question about RPM. On my ebike, I have a 25V/80A setup with a 170kv BLDC. With the tire lifted up in the air (negligible load), when I spin up the motor using 100% duty cycle, I get 26,500 ERPM or 26MPH,  but when I am riding it (145lbs, flat road, negligible windage), I get about 20,000 ERPM (20MPH). I am able to go from 0 - 20000 in about 4 seconds. I can feel solid acceleration until it hits a plateau at 20,000 ERPM.

At first I thought it was a torque issue, so I doubled the max amp ratings on the motor and battery. I felt much stronger acceleration after doing this, but it still plateaued at 20,000 ERPM.

Does load decrease possible max RPM?

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

It's very difficult to help you without all you maximum current and speed settings.

Of course, you always have a difference between loaded and unloaded speed except if you use speed PID regulator.

But even in that case, the current and speed limits have a higher priority.

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-06 14:18
Posts: 116

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the documentation, good work!


It could be interesting to have a "priority tree" to know for example what limit has the "last word".

Actually we have a lot of explanations, but it's not always clear if some limit has the highest priority or not.


Same for the min erpm and thresholds interactions.


More, there are several loops to control speed: PID, but also FOC and BLDC have their own regulation with Speed tracker (Ki, Kp), Duty Downramp (Ki, Kp); Current Controller Gain, Ramp, Duty,...

So when you have a small motor, or a large motor, or light/heavy loaded, those parameters are important.

Looks like Black Magic for most of us :-)


Thanks in advance for your work.

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
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Well, this really should help to get started and get an overview. Benjamin does some changes to the Software in the next weeks and then I will adjust things according to the changes.

It will take some time to do al of them, but help is welcome. This is an OS-project and anyone who wants to help and has enough experience should consider to put some hours of effort in it.

Documentation should build up faster this way.


Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
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Benjamin added a new Feature called Acceleration Temperature Decrease.

This feature allows you to leave temperature headroom for the brakes to work. You simply can't push the motors or VESC or both to their absolute pre-defined temperature limits any more. In consequence the brakes will still work, even if you push your system to a soft power cutoff during your ride. Please download the latest VESC-Tool and update to the latest firmware! Stay safe and implement this feature.


Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
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Posts: 1

the guide linked in the first post does not exist any more, I guess this is the right link now
