To be able to change the stored VESC profiles with the wand would make the wand truly magic.
Im riding in the city very often, and many people are super interested..asking questions and would like to try riding the board...but i dare not to give the remote... its just too aggressive..If i could change the profile for kids with the wand it would take the fun experience to a whole new level.
Maybe pressing both buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter the profile selection, and then select the desired profile.
Is it possible to incorporate that feature into the wand in the near future ?
And for those of us who use PPM input, would it be possible to use other available radio channels to make profile selections? Perhaps by connecting that other channel's signal pin to one of the COMM or SWD pins on the VESC? I realize that profile settings are probably stored in VESC tool, and not on the VESC itself, so I don't know if this is possible at all.
Being able to switch profiles at any time, whether you have your phone (and bluetooth module) with you or not, would make everyday operation of the VESC so much more user friendly.
I was just going to suggest that, only to find that it’s not just me who would love to see this.
On the Trampa homepage they originally had an early manual which showed The Wand contraining profiles, which could be programmed directly from the wand! It has been removed from the homepage now, but i'm quite sure it'll come in a future update for The Wand!
I think the guys just really had to get that Wand out in the end, and go with the slightly naked FW version to begin with, which were properly less buggy, and contained only the smart reverse, and cruise control :-) But I'm almost certain Benjamin's wearing his skin thin getting the final FW version ready containing all the QOL features.
Will get implemented, but needs a change in VESC-Tool first. We want you to be able to load existing profiles onto the Wand.
Any news related to an updated FW with profiles yet, Frank? :-)
Hate to bring up an old topic but its the only one that came up after searching, i have my first VESC and VESC Remote and being able to switch even between two profiles would be a pretty good leap.
As a band-aid solution changing the double tap reverse to select a specific profile would be neat.
Edit: Found it i think, BT_Z in app_nunchuk.c, even a simple watt limit would be nice, smart reverse still would work i think?
This feature would be very useful indeed. I ride on both grass and street and have to switch from one profile to another with my phone (which is usually in my pocket). I am certain with a button+trigger combo, switching between two pre-defined profiles would be easy.
For example: