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Can you use both axes on a 2-axis nunchuck/joystick controller with VESC?

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Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-12-15 06:00
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Can you use both axes on a 2-axis nunchuck/joystick controller with VESC?

Hi everyone, sorry to be a noob, but I am just exploring options for a VESC-based project and I wanted to double-check to find out of both of the 2 axes on a 2-axis joystick / wii nunchuk style controller are usable with VESC. It's hard to tell from the forums and other videos whether or not people are using both axes on the joystick, or just one.

Can anyone confirm, and offer any advice/suggestions?

Another way to ask the same question is whether VESC supports two controllers input at once, since then you could just map the X-axis to one input and the Y-axis to the other input.

My real goal is to create a VESC-based wheelchair with differential steering, so that's why I need both axes on the controller.


Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I want to know the same

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-22 22:37
Posts: 5

The same here. Would love to get rid of an Arduino in the system. I am using the VESC with a paid of a 6.5inch hoverboard wheels. I was using a reprogrammed hoverboard mainboard which natively allowed to implement differential steering. Would love to have the feature in a VESC as well.

Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2018-08-17 07:26
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It would help to see how the motors are placed to move in 2 axes. But without having any details and assuming you have two VESCs (one per motor), the simplest thing you can do is to wire one axis on the joystick to a throttle input on one VESC and the other axis to the other VESC. Depending on position of the joystick, the motors will engage correspondingly. Using current control, the load should equalize on both motors. Another way to do it is to write a custom app and run two ADC inputs to a single controller or UART, I2C, etc., then forward one of the axis input via CAN to there controller. 



NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

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In my case I am using a dual vesc with internal CAN connection. It would be great if it was possible to control both motors by sending the data to master slave which forwards data to the slave vesc over CAN

Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-01-14 16:25
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More or less also my problem. As far as i see: If you have a normal receiver you have two PPM signals and these have to be mixed. But the mixing is not for everybody the same. What i mean. If you put the joystick in the upper right corner than lets say the left wheel is max forward. But what to do with the right Wheel? 50% forward or Stop or 100% backwards ? And how to put two PPM signals in one VESC?

So I guess customized firmware (my Problem is my skills are not high enough) or arduino :-) For the last one it would be nice to have a Lib like the one from SolidGeek but with the ability to adress all the VESCs connected by CANBUS. May be like  "UART.setCurrent(current,adress)" with adress = 1- 255 or just take a Mega with four Uarts. But in this case the nice mobile App is not useable because the VESC has no UART port free for the BT Modul.


Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2021-09-30 01:06
Posts: 13

Hi Guys,

I have a similar kind of problem, here I am using VESC 4.12 and trying to operate BLDC motor. I could connect my Logitech F710 game pad control joystick, I could also make the wheels rotate forward and backward but I couldn't make them turn left or right. And when I tried to configure the gamepad in settings, the configure button is not popping up when clicked and also want to desperately know how to control the wheels movement to steer using the joystick or atleast keyboard. It would be really great if someone can help me with this. I am also attaching a screen shot of the gamepad control configuration settings

Thanking you.Screenshot from 2021-10-08 15-35-43.png