Hey everybody,
I've looking for a solution to obtain the accel/gyro/mag data from VESC using UART on a linux machine
At the moment I can see needed values using VESC tool in IMU Data using com port, but when I am trying to read this com port without vesc tool - no data at all
I've found several similar subjects in the forum, but no clear answer
Thanks in advance,
Natuition team
Any advice guys?
Your linux machine would need to be speaking the same communication protocol that VescTool speaks to the MCU.
Take a look and the command.c file in the code and specifically, if you need IMU data, at this one:
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)
Thanks a lot vadicus,
sounds like a lot of development, anyone knows similar already existing solutions?