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ADC & UART. Bluetooth not working.

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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ADC & UART. Bluetooth not working.

I've got a vesc6 running the latest firmware, in my E-bike (DD hub) using 2 hall sensor throttles on ADC 1 & 2 for brakes and throttle. (No reverse). A nrf51xxx Bluetooth adapter wired into Rx and TX. 

I'm trying to connect the android version of the vesc tool.  I see the bluetooth adapter and it initally connects but then gives the error "could not read firmware version..."

I've tried changing the baudrate from the default to 9600. And tried switching the Rx & TX cables on both baudrates. The error was the same. 

Have I missed something. Other than not being able to use bluetooth for real time monitoring and changing setting. The vesc is working flawlessly. 


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I am facing the same issue also tried to connect a FTDI adapter directly from the UART to the PC and nothing gets out. Also I tried with an Arduino and two different libraries: VescUart and VescUartControl.

Running FW version 3.40. I am not sure where te issue comes from.

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Is this a firmware issue or do I have the setup incorrect?

Maybe I'll try slightly faster baudrates 14.4k or 28.8k. 

Is there a way of downgrading the firmware? Maybe that worth a go. 


Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Another thought. Is it worth updating the bootloader. Could this cause problems.

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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I have noticed that when I am running Ackmaniac's Vesc Firmware, my BT05 board connects with his app perfectly. When running Vedder's Vesc tool and firmware, I am unable to connect to my bluetooth module. Maybe Ben's integration of bluetooth is slightly different?


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The BT05 will not work with the VESC Tool app, as the module must use a certain service and be aware of the packet structure to get good throughput. If you use the NRF51, it needs to run this firmware:

If you have an ST-link v2 and a linux computer it is quite easy to upload the firmware to the NRF51. There is even a script included on github that only needs openocd installed from the repository of most linux distros, and uploads the precompiled firmware.

If you don't want to build the module yourself, you can buy them ready to use here:

The VESC has to use the UART or something+UART app, with a baud rate of 115200.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Problem with Bluetooth HM-10 connection through the controller.

I want to control the vesc from my phone with android system.

I bought a dual 6.6 vesc controller, I connect the Bluetooth to the controller, I set up in APP Settings - URAT but when when I try to connect vesc from my phone it doesn-t connect.

Can anybody help me?

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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What Android app and VESC firmware version are you running? As far as I know HM-10 "UART bridge" modules are no longer supported for some time now and you need a nRF based module like the Metr Pro, Trampa Dongle or Flipsky nRF module to connect to the VESC Tool on Android. Its also possible to flash your own nRF51/nRF52 module with the firmware available on Benjamins github. 

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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I have a Samsung Galaxy A10, with app version 9 and VESC firmware is 4.2. The software which I use is VESC TOOL Platinium...I try a lot of time to connect but without succes.....

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The problem should be the HM-10 module. I also tested with FW 4.2 and a HM-10 based old Metr module (not the nRF based Pro one) and it was working as expected with the Metr App on Android, but not with VESC Tool. With a nRF based Metr Pro module I was able to connect both to the Metr app and also the VESC Tool mobile.

So you have to pick one of the nRF based Bluetooth modules I mentioned in my last post to be able to connect to VESC Tool or use the Ackmaniac App on Android that works with HM-10 based modules but can not connect to FW4.02 as far as I know, so you have to choose an older VESC FW version.

Edit.: I just reread message #6 in this thread where Benjamin mentions that the VESC Tool app does not work with BT05 (HM-10) modules. So you definitely need a nRF based module to work with the app.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Hi guys,

I want to buy a bluetooth from recommendation #6 (benjamin): to connect my phone at my longboard. My transmission (control) is on Remote VESC VX1. If I only buy the bluetooth module without the remote control (The WAND) can I control my longboard from the Remote VESC VX1?


Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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regular DX-BT18 works between VESC and windows VESC-Tool for me, even realtime data is ok. It fails with android app or MacOSx VESC-Tool. Curious what Benjamin meant the module must use a certain service and be aware of the packet structure to get good throughput

dancing with bikes

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Hi, I got Xiaomi redmi note 9s, I spent 2 days trying to connect to any kind bluetooth module, but the Android Vesc tool doesn't shows any of bluetooth modules.
I have Ant BMS tool which can connect to any bluetooth devices and it sees a bluetooth module, I can see output of ANT bms app on a serial logger, so bluetooth on both sides does work.

Here is the screenshot: Android Vesc tool - no bluetooth

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Hi, @ Nerozero any update about conecting vesc and ant BMS ?

Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
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I would also be interested to see if you can do it. have to connect the ANT bms with vesc.