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2xVESC6.0 with identical T-Motor different start up result

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Last seen: 6 days 12 hours ago
VESC Bronze
Joined: 2019-03-30 11:39
Posts: 44
2xVESC6.0 with identical T-Motor different start up result

Hi VESC hard-core nerds, supporting crew and developers,

I've one of the very original VESC6.0's and recently bought recently a newer version VESC6.0MK. They are used to control T-Motors MN705S, KV140, 28mag poles (or 14 pole pairs). Both originally sensorless and no temperature compensation.

The troubles I had:

* Current control: none (all good ;-) )

* RPM control: VESC 6.0 "the new" had a very unreliable, jerky, rough start up from low rpm. I mean moving back and forth, no acceleration for a long time, then suddenly increasing speed. (maybe).

Setting comparison: Identical settings fon both VESCs

Switched motors: no improvement.

Ordered and integrated AS5047D rpm sensor and integrated temperature sensor NTC 10k into one motor with the "the new". Configured.

RPM control at lower speed nice, but multiple times a "high speed run away" when started (tested with experimental and via CAN message). -> The new VESC only has 5V sensor out? Possible noise?

Finally figured out, that if I disable the Phase Filters on "the new" it has also a nice smooth run up as my very old VESC6.0. This is surprising because if I understood, the phase filters should help at low rpm, but they don't, they actually cause troubles.

Q1: In sensored mode with AS5047d -> very often "high speed run away at start up" -> I guess until Open Loop ERPM is met. Why?

Q2: If phase filter cause troubles at low rpm, why should they improve low rpm?

Best regards,




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VESC Original
Joined: 2019-01-01 17:11
Posts: 142

Your max "sensorless ERPM" (in Encoder tab) with AS5047 in SPI mode should not be more than 2000-8000ERPM. You can not run it sensored until max erpm, also because the signals are sensitive.

Last seen: 6 days 12 hours ago
VESC Bronze
Joined: 2019-03-30 11:39
Posts: 44

I have not changed the settings, and I checked, it is, and was set to 4000 ERPM (~285rpm). I tried to repeat the run-away by using RPM control from the experimental taps. Startup from;250step;2s. hold 10000end. (FOC=Sensored Mode, Phase Filters = False)

Worked 15 times and then:


Last seen: 6 days 12 hours ago
VESC Bronze
Joined: 2019-03-30 11:39
Posts: 44

The first figure shows the same experiment in sensorless mode, phase filter=false.


The second figure shows the experiment in sensorless mode, phase filter = true; as you can clearly identify, a tough stuttering at the beginning and very rough low rpm.
