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Combo VESC 75/300 and Scorpion 7455-320KV 22.4kW issue

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Combo VESC 75/300 and Scorpion 7455-320KV 22.4kW issue


For my esurf project I´m running a
*Trampa VESC 75/300
*MHZ Scorpion 7455-320KV 22.4kW (sensorless) 2200grams
The issue I´m having is that I can´t get this motor to work basically.
I´ve ran it through the motor detection in VESC tool and there it spools up and all but it´s very "jerky" when it does the small steps in the end.
And as soon as I try to give it some throttle afterwards it´s stuck.

I´m not sure what to test at this point, and I don´t want to fry anything cause of some stupid setting I try.

Please help

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Did you detect it as a medium or lage inrunner?

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I ran the detection both as medium and as a large outrunner.
Same outcome in both cases.

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I´ll try and post my settings here from VESC Tool too see if it resonates more with the people here at this forum to actually try and help me out.
Have no idea where to start otherwise unfortunately.

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You can try the BETA VESC-Tool and see if that makes a difference.

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Hi Frank,

I´ll try that, meantime I´ve just tested again and the motor runs fine during the sensing run and then when I try to spool up using ppm throttle it goes so bad that the VESC displays the red led for fault code.
How can a motor run during auto sensing mode but then it does not work..?
I have it in FOC sensorless mode since it does not have any sensors unfortunately.

The motors data from the manufacturer:
MHZ - Scorpion HK-7455-320KV | 22,4kW | For Jet 64 + Jet 80MHZ - Scorpion HK-7455-320KV | 22,4kW | For Jet 64 + Jet 80

If you need anything else to be able to help me out with this just let me know cause I really appreciate any help I can get at this point.

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Te resistance seam very high. The spec sheet specifies 3mOhm, the detection comes up with 645mOhm.

During detection it is spun up with just random rotating magnetic field (FOC open loop). This does not create any torque, just makes the rotor spin in the field.

I can't tell you why the motor is not measured in correctly. Do you have another motor to see if the 75/300 is still in good condition?


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Unfortunately I don´t have any other motor then this big one.

I´ll try tomorrow and change the resistance down to 3mOhm, would be nice to get it spinning at least.
Perhaps it´s something with the wiring from the vesc and the motor.
Im running 3x50cm 16mm2 1000strand Cu cables there and I really don´t see that being an issue.

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Check it the connections are all good. The motor wire can have an insulating coat on it, preventing propper tinning.

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it says 20 motor poles but I counted them to 24.

After this change the internal resistance got measured to 10mOhm.
The motor spooled up but the after 4times of starting and stopping it just occilates and jerks and won´t turn around so I think I just got lucky with the timing the first couple of runs.

Don´t understand this.'
And I´m reluctant to go and purchase the MGM TMM 40063–3 X2 ESC just because I can´t get this VESC to run the motor.

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Does anyone know where to change the timing settings of the motor in VESC tool..?
The following settings for this motor in the Compro software from MGM is as follows:

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Once I get the motor to spool up it purres like a kitten.
The only problem seems to be to get it to actually start.
I increased the starting amp to 9.1A and that was better but it still is not good.
it vibrates and often just like the timing is of.
Also it actually sometimes starts going in reverse as well...


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Where can I download this version?

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A response to your tip about the coating of the motor wires: this motor did not have that and they were actually pre tinned from the factory.

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Poles are counted by magnets, not the coils. The BETA Tool can be found in purchased files, top menu. If it doesn't pop up, re-purchase the VESC-Tool free and it should be there.

Timing doesn't exist in FOC motor control. Please try out the beta tool first and report back.

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Hi Frank,
Now I have tested the BETA version of the VESC tool and it is basically the exact same outcome as with the normal version of the program.
Do not have the faintest idea why your software can´t handle this motor without a software engineer behind the screen..

I´m actually starting to get really tired of this crap to be honest.

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Have zou solved this problem with VESC 75/300 and Scorpion 7455-320KV 22.4k?  I need set up Flipsky VESC 75450 and Scorpion 7455-320KV 22.4k.

Thank you