Hi guys
I've made a dyno to test electric motors, well at the moment I'm testing the output of a converted alternator. I'm using solidgeek code with arduino on the uart port and have erpm for converting torque in to hp but would like to add watts being used so I can work out the efficiency. Any help would be much appreciated! Here's a link to my YouTube video, I've added the mechanical kw conversion to the code after this video
Forgot to add I'm using a flipsky 6.6 water cooled
You can use SolidGeek library as an example, look how other data is received and processed here:
For example:
values.ampHours = buffer_get_float32(message, 10000.0, &ind);
values.ampHoursCharged = buffer_get_float32(message, 10000.0, &ind);
Then you would modify the library to include new data from what VESC is sending.
Wh used, for example, are here:
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)