Hello everybody, I have had a problem for a few days with my VESC 6+ that I have been using since 2019 on a bike.
The red led is flashing and I have a fault code: FAULT_CODE_HIGH_OFFSET_CURRENT_SENSOR_3
Last week i did a firmware update, but i must have made a wrong manipulation when i reprogrammed the motor parameters in FOC mode? Could not find the solution to eliminate the problem !?
Can anyone help me? Sincerely, TB.
That means the current sensor on phase 3 must have failed. In VESC tool, go to Sample Data, select Current tab, hit "Samples now" and post the graph here.
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)
Hi, for the moment I cannot insert my image ...
Sensors seem to be fine according to the graph. Can you go to the terminal and run these commands: 1) hw_status; 2) faults. Then post ouputs for both.
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)
on the graph it seems nevertheless that there is a little offset for I phase 3 ?
here is the result of the tests you ask me:
Firmware: 5.2
Hardware: 60
UUID: 2D 00 2D 00 16 47 37 33 38 33 32 38
Permanent NRF found: No
FOC Current Offsets: 2047 2047 3337
USB config events: 1
USB write timeouts: 0
Mempool mcconf now: 0 highest: 0 (max 9)
Mempool appconf now: 0 highest: 0 (max 2)
No faults registered since startup
Yes, your hw_status response shows that the sensor phase 3 is not good. The program is auto offsetting it too much: FOC Current Offsets: 2047 2047 3337
It's either disconnected or the amplifier is shot. I would inspect it and measure voltages on the amplifier and compare it to voltages on a good sensor.
Another possibility, considering that you said this happened after fw update, is incorrect version of the fw is installed. Maybe sensor 3 is mapped to a different pin in the new firmware. Although unlikely, I would still double check. You might also want to reinstall the fw just in case something didn't write correctly, although, unlikely as well if the controller responds.
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)
You're right, when we analyze the programming we come to the same conclusion:
in terminal.c:
commands_printf ("FOC Current Offsets:% d% d% d", curr0_offset, curr1_offset, curr2_offset);
In mcpwm.c:
#ifdef HW_HAS_3_SHUNTS
curr2_offset = curr2_sum / curr_start_samples;
In mc_interface.c:
#ifdef HW_HAS_3_SHUNTS
if (abs (curr2_offset - MIDDLE_ADC)> HW_MAX_CURRENT_OFFSET) { mc_interface_fault_stop (FAULT_CODE_HIGH_OFFSET_CURRENT_SENSOR_3,! is_motor_1, false);
in hw_axiom.h:
#define HW_MAX_CURRENT_OFFSET 620 // More than this offset (0.5 Vdc) trips the offset fault (likely a sensor disconnected)
I do not believe that the problem comes from the software, I have redone the programming several times ...
I will try to test the circuit ...
Hello vadicus,
Should the current (Mean Filtered} for 3 phases read close to zero? My Phase3 current is below zero and Phase1 and Phase2 are slight above 0. I tried executing "foc_sensors_detect_apply" with 5 amps. After some current was applied, I got the response no sensor found and changed to "senseless mode". Was originally in "Encoder mode". Can/Should I change the offset?
Thanks, Ben
Hello vadicus,
I' not getting a fault but Should the current (Mean Filtered} for 3 phases read close to zero? My Phase3 current is below zero and Phase1 and Phase2 are slight above 0. I tried executing "foc_sensors_detect_apply" with 5 amps. After some current was applied, I got the response no sensor found and changed to "senseless mode". Was originally in "Encoder mode". Can/Should I change the offset?
Thanks, Ben
We are also facing same problem for the Fault in current sensor 1 and 3. The error screenshot attached for your reference. Kindly give the solution for this. what is problem and suggestions. . We checked sensor and FET side not short are there.
. We checked sensor and FET side not short are there.