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burnend vesc6 mk3

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Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2020-05-01 18:21
Posts: 1
burnend vesc6 mk3


strange behavior on vesc.

I had the esc, with a special motor running. Everything was lookig normal, and nice. In BLDC mode and in FOC mode.

In FOC mode, during "power - off", I got a flash light from esc ! :-(

Maybe USB was still conected !

And now the guy is dead. During power off, the motor was not runnng, and I thought, I had nothing active !

Ok, I open the case, and the components have no "optical" problem, on a first view.

Any hints ?

Is that the correct schematic for the esc ?


Hmm, replacing the gate driver ? Where is VCC or 5V generated ?

