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Connect vesc tool with ANT BMS

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Connect vesc tool with ANT BMS

Hello everyone, I need your expertise. I have a problem and can't get any further.

I want to connect my Vesc 100/250 to my Smart BMS from ANT HW 32BHA0TB120A. The BMS has the following connections: 5V, GND, A, B, CanH and CanL. In the ANT app, the baud rate is displayed as 250 for the CanBus and UART has a baud rate of 19200.


I'm wondering whether the two control devices are compatible with each other and I have to use the Can Bus or wire via the COMM to the Vesc or whether that's entirely works differently.


My goal is to implement monitoring only via the Vesc app so that I can monitor the battery via “BMS Data”.

Thanks in advance and kind regards



Last seen: 6 months 4 weeks ago
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Unfortunately - even though they both use CAN hardware - they're not compatible software wise. VESC only searches for BMS data based on it's own protocol, and ANT sends data with its own. You have two possibilities:

  1. Since ANT is closed source while VESC is not you can use a LISP script that runs on the VESC to translate the ANT data to VESC - didn't try, don't know whether it would work, just an idea
  2. We're working on a small PCB that translates the BMS data to VESC, you can use that one, it's not ready though

Best regards


Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2018-08-17 07:26
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ANT BMS protocol has been documented and implemented in a few projects for Arduino, etc. The code can be adapted for vesc, it's a matter of someone putting time and effort into it. 

Some example:

One thing to watch out is the differences between versions that have been reported in the past.  



NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

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Did anyone try to communicate with ANT BMS via CAN?
@vadicus do you have access to CAN protocol document for ANT BMS - similar to the one that you shared for UART? 


Timo Wedel
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2024-07-22 16:55
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When will the small board that translates the BMS data into VESC come onto the market?


Best regards


Timo Wedel