I'm trying to connect AS5048A encoder and I would like to run it from 3v3 as is suggested for reduced noise. VESC documentation states to switch the sensor voltage from 5v to 3v3 using a physical switch on the board, but on my MkVI this doesn't exist. There is reference online to automatic sensor voltage switching on the VESC 6 EDU version but I wasn't able to find anything further. V+ on the sense port is currently outputting 5V, how do I change that?
Thanks, Matt
Posting answer here for anyone who comes across it..
From Dave at Trampa: Under motor config>general>sensors you can choose sensor port mode. Hall sensors = 5v. Encoder = 3.3v
The MKVI version has an automatic sensor voltage switch. It can also be manipulated via software,

Ahh....got it. It is meant like:
If (selected = any encoder) then (V_sens = 3.3V) else (V_sens = 5,0V)