Hi all,
i want to move the I2C pins from PORTB 10/11 to PORTB 8/9. I have no CAN device, so this PINS are free to use.
i set:
#define HW_HAS_NO_CAN
#define HW_I2C_DEV I2CD1
#define HW_I2C_SCL_PIN 8
#define HW_I2C_SDA_PIN 9
and enable I2C1 in mcuconf.h
but now signal on this pins :( is it correct, that the defines for the PINs and PORTs are nowhere used in the code ? grep found no match
do i have to change something more ?
Hi Georg,
Does ur hardware have the i2c start stop functions in? There the pin config is done.
yes it has, and you are right, there is the config. but this seems to be okay
strange, there is some communication right after reset.
Is there something that blocks the process or overwrites the pin function
mmh, the thread goes to sleep state. it seems that the thread is waiting for a mutex release, but why?
Is the I2CD1 Device use per Default for some VESC internals ?
Nunchuk app is dissabled
On default Hardware I2C shares the pins with UART and when using the UART-APP hw_i2c_stop is called....
we are trying to interface to a peripheral via I2C . after a while of periodic i2c transmissions the i2c_running variable seems to be unset. might the uart-app be interfering? where is the uart app initiated.
thanks h