I wan to check the VESC CAN message with Arduino. When I connected Arduino uno and mcp2515 to the VESC CAN pin, I couldn't get any message. How can I read the message?
And after this is solved, I want to control VESC via CAN communication. Is there anything else I need to modify other than code modification?
Please help me!!!
hello yuri, you will find all you need on this two links. Btw, pay attention to the MCP2515 you are using, mine has a 8Mhz oscillator so I had to double the working frequency to make it works. For example if you set 500 kHz on vesc and you have a 8 Mhz MCP2515, you shall set the MCP 2515 @ 1000 kHz
You can use the MCP2515 module and this library to communicate with the vesc over CAN bus.