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Would like VESC 4.12 repair tips

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Would like VESC 4.12 repair tips

I've got a VESC 4.12 that's failed.  I've replaced it, but would like to learn how to repair it myself.  I have hobbyist level electronics skills, reasonable soldering equipment, a reasonable oscilliscope, and can more or less make my way around a schematic.  What I'm hoping for is to learn any tips on what items commonly fail on the VESC 4.12 and whether there are any tips on how to diagnose (either functionally or with my scope).

On this particular unit there's no obvious damage to the board or components.  I get a blue light when it's powered up and a flashing red light when I give it throttle.  I can read it's configuration with the BLDC tool, and it's producing 5V at the PPM connector to power the receiver.  But the motor is no-go.  I tried plugging in the other motor, but also no-go. 

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Hi Spork

look into the VESCtool (not BLDC which is old) for the error which the VESC is reporting (red led).

The usual way would be:

-did the motor+VESC ever worked in team or at all?

-what are the current settings; did the motor/setup wizard works?




Pedelec usage in combination with a GoldenMotor MagicPie3 BLDC

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2018-11-26 06:55
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Thanks Sam.  Just last night I did read the error codes using the BLDC tool (the firmware on this VESC is too old for the VESCtool).  It indicates a FAULT_CODE_DRV8302.   I ordered a new DRV8302 last night and should get it Monday.  Looks like I'm going to try my hand at hot-air reflow soldering.

>> -did the motor+VESC ever worked in team or at all?

Yes - this unit has been in use on the board for a while.

>> -what are the current settings

I'd have to go back and look.  I would think bad current settings could potentially damage the FET's, but not the DRV8032.  Is that correct?






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Remember to not look at the new DRV ic the wrong way as it might be offended and decide to blow up first thing it does.. 

FOC on cheap Chinese esc's is particularly dangerous in my experience. 

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So what's causing the DRV to fail?  It seems like it doesn't need to take any real current.  And from what I understand the VESC 6 is supposed to be more bullet-proof.  The 6 uses the DRV8301 vs. the VESC 4's DRV8302.  But as near as I can tell, that only indicates a couple of feature difference between the two.  Is the DRV better protected in the VESC 6 circuit somehow?


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Yes, it is and in consequence the VESC 6 doesn't burn DRVs. The big difference in between the 4.xx HW and the VESC 6 is the shunt placement and number. VESC 6 uses three shunts on the motor side, while the HW 4.xx and many others are designs with two shunts on the battery side. Read more here:

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Thanks!  I'll check that link out now.