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VESC Tool for old hardware

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VESC Tool for old hardware

Dear Beta Testers,

Today VESC-Tool with FW support for 4.xx hardware will be ready for download.

So what can you expect? Beside a good start into the weekend you will be able to use FW3.26 with your 4.xx hardware. Your 4.xx will still be a 4.xx, but FOC is a lot better and all the new features, like the input wizards and throttle curves, are available. If you have 4.xx hardware without a bootloader you can upload the missing bootloader via VESC-Tool, so the update to FW 3.26 should work quite seamless. Note that this update won't make HW 4.x more robust against broken DRVs for certain motors, so if you had problems with a motor and HW 4.x before it is likely to remain.

There are several versions of VESC Tool availble, the difference between them is how much you financially contribute to the VESC project when downloading them (there also is a free version). Function-wise they are identical. The VESC Tool versions with donations also have different logos, and you will get a badge in your user profile that shows how you have financially supported the VESC Project. After a donation, the download for the VESC Tool version you chose as well as the badge you obtained will remain for 6 months. The download will always point to the latest version of VESC Tool, so when new versions are available you simply have to log in and download the latest version from your user profile.

What ever you pick - it is always a good choice to use the latest version of VESC Tool. VESC Tool and the new firmware are significant improvements over BLDC Tool and the old firmware. The performance and ease of use will simply become better.

Enjoy VESC Tool in combination with your 4.xx hardware. If you find any bugs, please report them ASAP so that they can be solved.

Please do not share the software with non beta users, since we want to see a smooth release and not a wild distribution of beta software. The software will go live very soon anyway.


NOTE: The first time you upload the new firmware you must select the correct hardware version in VESC Tool, as the old firmware does not tell VESC Tool which hardware version it is. After the first update the hardware will be selected automatically.

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Hi Benjamin,

does this work with Foc Box! i tried it but ran into lots of issues. motor detection eractic sensor detection fails and in Foc second measurement blew 40 amp fuse at battery.

put f/w 2.18 back on both foc boxes and set them up in BDLC with no problems. 

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I haven't tested, but it should work if you use the 4.12 firmware. The hw6 firmware will not work as it has a different pin mapping.

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Yes loaded the 4.12 f/w. is there any chance you could test a foc box your self! or maybe anyone here on the forum that would be helpful im sure some one will be trying it soon and let us know. 

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Where can I select HW4.12? In the firmware/included files tab only HW 60 is offered.

Update: this is only in the VESC_original version. VESC_free shows all the older HW correctly. Ben, maybe you can fix this.

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So, want to support... and can afford buying you a beer or two for your hard work... BUT i'm not in Germany, Sweden, or the UK...

Any checkout for us in the US?

I'll try finishing w/o filling in, but worried my CC company will have an issue if billing info isn't correct?

Thx Benjamin!!!

EDIT - worked fine leaving it blank. Just a bit odd not to give billing info - but at least it works!

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Thanks for letting me know. I have added all countries in the settings, so I think it should show them now on checkout.
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I tried to update firmware (using VESC-tool free on a windows-PC) on HW 4.12 and it seemed to work OK until it reported "FW Upload Done" and error message: "Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of a thread exit or an application request."  The VESC interrupted the USB/serial connection, but after power off/on it connected again and reported FW is still v2.18.

Is it possible to flash the new FW with BLDC-tool ?  I have used it to update FW on this VESC before.

Should I try to run VESC-tool on my Pi 3 (with Raspian Linux) instead of the PC?

Edit: I saw same problem posted under title "VESC Tool Error - updating fw on old hw 4.7 VESCs".   My problem was solved after flashing bootloader.  It now reports: "Fw: 3.26,  Hw: 410"


Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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I've updated my 4.12 to FW 3.26 and it's amazig! The new vesc tool and FW is so great benjamin, big up yourself!!!

I can see the temperature of my trampa motors, lol

Do you plan an android app? I would love to see my real time data during the ride! (i have a HM-10 with ackmaniacs app but i think it won't work with new FW)

Many thanks also to frank for putting me on beta list and big up ted!

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Ackmaniac's app does work with new firmware ;)

You'll be able to read only values, not using modes feature.

However, it misses the motor temperature.

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Unfortunately it doesn't work on both V4.12, also tried swapping rx/tx........

The app connects to bluetooth module but no reltime data.

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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I've tested the FOCBOX this evening with VESC Tool version 0.81.

It works on the bench.

Important, VESC tool original was quite happy to flash the latest HW 60 firmware.  If you do this, you can flash back using the custom file and firmware file (vesc_default.bin) from the BLDC tool.  I used the vesc tool platinum and free versions successfully to update the firmware selecting hardware version 410 & 411 & 412.

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HI Ben

I wrote it in fmw section as well but since I don't know the cause I will put here 

It seems like first detection stuck the motor for some reason, so it won't be able to detect from the first place!
U first need to set up the app, PPM for me. write default motor setting than run the motor a bit.
Than come back to motor detection! It works in both BLDC and FOC now,

Update, FOC is detected but not working, for bizar reason it shorts the motor and making tiny sound. does not respond to ppm... well BLDC for a while I guess 

Update2: Aside from initial setup bug, I noticed there is bug with ppm setting. for FOC ,it short the motor when connected to Receiver, regardless the remote on or off. It's like a failsafe mod. I couldn't figure out what the cause. But it clearly works well on BLDC. Note: I plugged out receiver to prevent interference during FOC setup.

Notice that I use mac ver,(not official) FOCBOX, sk3 260kv 10s5a, with unloaded motor.

I tested with both 2.18 and Akman's 2.54, both works fine.

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I just finished soldering 4.12 hardware for my ebike project and tried to flash the bootloader with VESC Tool free(ver. 0.82). It says that the VESC is not connected. I had the battery connected to the VESC. Does it need it or will it get power from the usb? Does the the bootloader flashing require that there is a firmware flashed to the VESC?

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Answering to my own question. Connected my e-skateboards VESC to the laptop and run VESC Tool. There needs to be a firmware installed so that the VESC Tool recognizes the VESC. I have an STlink on the way, just have to wait for it arrive so I can flash the chip.

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Since your new VESC has no FW installed, you need an ST-Link to get started. Bootloader upload works once a FW is installed without a bootloader aboard. Frank
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I got my STlink on the mail yesterday. Flashed Ackmaniac 2.54 firmware because that was the only bin-file that I had. Connected the usb and launched VESC Tool and it connected right away giving me the error that my firmware is old version. I went to the Firmware tab and flashed the bootloader and that went ok. Tried to flash the firmware, status bar goes to the end and no errors and VESC Tool disconnects automatically, only blue led is on on the VESC. Disconnected and connected the battery and connected VESC Tool and again it says that my firmware is old and on the firmware tab says that firmware version is 2.54. Tried flashing again but no good.


When I power the VESC from a battery(5S) and it boots up the red led starts flashing three times. Ackmaniac's BLDC Tool shows DRV 8302 error in the Realtime Tab. I might have bad solder joint on the DRV chip. I will reflow it again today and see if it fixes it. That should not affect to the firmware flashing?

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Use 0x080E0000 as staring address.

I destroyed the bootloader on a HW 4.12 and gave it a try. Worked!
