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Lag using the Input Setup Wizard (APP)

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Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:30
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Lag using the Input Setup Wizard (APP)

Hi! I finally got all the connectors and wires and got my first build running - hurray! I went through the wizards to get my board up and running.

First my setup: I am using a MacOS with VirtualBox with a Ubuntu environment. 1 GB of RAM is dedicated for this Virtualization. It works quite nice, so I can recommend this method for those of you using MacOS.

So to my experience using the Input Setup Wizard. When I am on the main page of the wizard with all the setting everything runs so slow. It lags a lot. It took a lot of time setting things up at this page. E.g. clicking - waiting a long time - clicking again resulting in clicking two times. If I've done a scroll in between the click would go somewhere not meant to.

So what is the reason? I am not sure. I am only guessing but it seems as it listen to the input signal constantly on the same thread as working with the GUI and mouse and keyboard inputs to the VESC tool. But, for all I know, it may have something to do with how I run the VESC tool too. I have not experienced this lag in the other VESC tool GUIs or functions.

Just a feedback from me, I am not sure if it is worth anything. Overall expression of the VESC tool is great. Really nice to be able to tune a lot of parameters, but still easy to setup with the wizards. I have a long way learning how to get the best setup. Especially with throttle tuning giving nice throttle increase and also rolling nice letting the throttle go. I feel, from my very short test, that I almost stop letting the throttle go. I will try to tune it more. I am btw using Current control with braking (no reverse).

Roger Wolff
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I would suspect an interaction between VESC_TOOL and the VirtualBox environment on your MAC.....

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Usually its fast and no delays are seen. Frank
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:30
Posts: 19

OK, perfect. I will test this on a win or ubuntu installatio once to SEE how it is supposed to perform :-)

sl33py's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:32
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Agreed - a lot of the time virtualized USB drivers and communication can be SLOW... Try it on Windows or Ubuntu directly and i bet it will be much much faster!