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Vesc tool won't connect vesc to motor

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Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2018-05-25 19:17
Posts: 2
Vesc tool won't connect vesc to motor

Please could someone give me an idea whati s going on. 

FW:3.38 HW:410 (I have noticed that vesc says 4.12 on front of it however vesc tool says its 410, not sure if this is a problem)

It is a sk8 vesc with a KEDA 200kv BL motor

I has been working fine for the last month on the bench however now it wont connect to motor.

On FOC motor detect it takes about a minute or two for RL (the red led starts to flash 3 times every 10(ish) seconds) then says R=0, please measure first.

I have tried re-flashing firmware. I cant get the motor to do anything.

On RL detect it does vibrate and calculate L but says R=0



Current : -0.2

Current filtered : -0.0

Voltage : 39.84

Duty : 0.012

RPM : 271.7

Tacho : 87

Cycles running : 2

TIM duty : 200

TIM val samp : 2

TIM current samp : 4200

TIM top : 16800

Comm step : 0

Temperature : 23.10



Current : -0.0

Current filtered : -0.0

Voltage : 39.84

Duty : 0.015

RPM : 269.1

Tacho : 93

Cycles running : 2

TIM duty : 260

TIM val samp : 2

TIM current samp : 4200

TIM top : 16800

Comm step : 0

Temperature : 23.00

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2018-06-17 19:12
Posts: 1

That looks like the DRV chip might have been damaged. Try to replace the DRV chip and see if that helps? 

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Posts: 847

410,411,412 are nearly identical and use the same Firmware.
