Hi there,
i'm using the awesome VESC in my electric scooter with the following setup:
throttle potentiometer on ADC1
Brake Button between PPM and GND
esp8266 on RX/TX as a wifi bridge to stream data to my smartphone
As App i'm using ADC no reverse brake button in current control mode.
Everything works great, but i also want a Pushbutton for cruise control. Is this already implemented and i do not find the info, or is a cruise control button not provided with the described config?
(I could achieve this by connecting my cruise control button to the esp8266 and set a RPM per UART, sure, but i want the esp8266 as a passiv data bridge only)
See https://github.com/vedderb/bldc/blob/master/applications/app_adc.c#L93
So it's the servo port pins if UART is used.
Thanks for the response, just for my understanding, isnt the servo pin the same as the PPM signal pin? This is actually the brake button in my setup.
edit: see https://github.com/vedderb/bldc/blob/master/applications/app_adc.c#L239 by using the mode ADC_CTRL_TYPE_CURRENT_NOREV_BRAKE_BUTTON there is only a brake button on the servo/ppm pin intended and no button for cruise control.
Yes, that is the PPM port.
I suppose it remaps the other pin as well