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Need help: Motor spins in sensorless mode, but not in sensored mode

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-29 20:16
Posts: 3
Need help: Motor spins in sensorless mode, but not in sensored mode

The "detect BLDC parameters" feature works great when I don't have the hall sensors plugged in.

... but then I plug in the hall sensor (6 pin connector at the top of the board) and now the motor won't spin up. It doesn't even twitch.

I tried playing with the duty cycle, the amperage, and the ERPM... but I can't get the motor to move at all while the hall sensors are plugged in. Just says "detection failed" after about 5-10 seconds.

This is the motor I have: MayTech MTO5065-HA-C

Could this be a faulty motor? What else should I be trying?

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-29 20:16
Posts: 3

Some progress: I just ran "faults" in the VESC Terminal. It reports that there is a "FAULT_CODE_OVER_TEMP_MOTOR". I think my motor's temp sensor is busted...

Before I plug in the hall connector, there is no such fault. I also have now noticed that the red light on the back of the vesc begins to flash right as I plug in the hall sensor. Is that light used to indicate a fault? Seems that's the case here.

I'm also now noticing that the vesc reports the motor temperature as 250 degrees C only when the hall sensor is plugged in. I'll try to disable the temperature cutoff for now. My motor definitely isn't 250 degrees C at the moment! :P

Let me know if you all have other theories!

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2017-11-11 13:08
Posts: 33

i would suspect the pin out on the motor halls is not compatable with the vesc, and your getting a hall signal on the vesc temp pin.

you will need the  motor wiring diagram and check the pin wire are in the correct order on the hall plug, if not you can rearrange them in correct order.

C green

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-29 20:16
Posts: 3

Thanks @badger1666 for the post. I looked around for the pinout of the motor, but seems they don't publish it, which is of course super lame. no

However, I got it to work by pulling out the temperature pin from the 6-pin hall connecter (it's the pin next to the 5v pin). Vesc Tool is now able to detect the hall sensor table and it all works great!

This is a great project. Thank you to all who have contributed to it.