i need to use the rx pin from com (used to default for reverse) for set limit the speed to 20 km/h and wen release return to normal profile.
tha is for e-scooter that not need reverse command.
i think if possible, to add on feature vesc this setting,
field whit set legal speed example (20)
field with set change reverse wit legal speed command.
i'm using ubox single 100v 100A
can anyone help solve this implementation?
Vesc is increasingly gaining interest among scooter users
See my code example that processes push button events for PPM/Servo input: https://vesc-project.com/node/1521#comment-11493
You can add a limiter when long or short press are detected.
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)