I bought remote controller that displays speed (Flipsky Remote VX4) with VESC TX/RX receiver.
And I want to display motor speed, using Arduino as ESC.
So I searched How to make status packet(Including speed, cuttent, temp etc.)
But I couldn't find one.
There were only codes for Instructions packets, not status packet.
This is what I want to do:
make and send status packet(speed, current) from Arduino through TX/RX Serial
Can I get code or protocol/packet for status message?
Here is a good place to start:
NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (https://vesc-project.com/node/1477)
I just used Solid Geeks lib for building Firefly remote controller, but it seems it is not working any more. I am curious if someone confirm it works with HW 60