Is is possible to use FOC without any braking current (like in other bldc controler)
I mean when I set braking current to 0A, engine never stops ? I do'nt understand since there is some fiction behind the motor so it cannot continue to turn without eating current !!!
Nota : My battery BMS is not reversible... how can I do ?
Ctrl : VESC 7.12 300A MAYTECH
Thanks in advance,
Maybe kill switch input, but it would be better to cut throttle somehow
Can I use PWM to use this "kill" feature ? (I'm using "no reverse PID" mode through PWM)
It could be used.
Yes, thanks I saw that new feature in the 5.3 firmware for my 75_300 hardware.
It seems that the new firmware solve the problem, if fact we cannot set brake current to null (even if braking is set disabled)