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Smart Reverse Minimum Erpm

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Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2021-09-29 02:07
Posts: 3
Smart Reverse Minimum Erpm

New to VESC, otherwise my board has been very predictable.
I enabled smart reverse without fully reading the tooltip in the VESC Tool,
I enjoyed being able to back up or hold my position on slight downhills.
But when I was testing how much braking power I could handle, I had what I THOUGHT was brake cut outs using max brake from speed, one of which caused me to fall off the back of my board.
After reading the tool tip again, I figured the normal brakes where stopping and trying to reverse in duty cycle, while I was still rapidly decelerating.
After asking about this on a Discord server, someone showed me the setting for Minium ERPM for Smart reverse to come on in the android app, but I can't find it in the PC version.
I don't have any android devices, so am I missing something or does the app have more options?
For now I've disabled it, as I often bottom out my throttle braking.

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Smart reverse engages once the wheels have stopped from turning. If you block the wheels while braking, you can engage it at a positive forward speed.

Setting is found in App Settings, PPM or VESC Remote (depending on what you use), Smart Reverse Max Duty Cycle.

You can also try the Curren hyst reverse function, allowing you to reverse by hitting the brakes again, after coming to a full stop.

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2021-09-29 02:07
Posts: 3

That setting is absent in my VESC Remote tab, I am running VESC Tool 3.01 and the manufacturer provided custom 5.3 FW for my Spintend dual 75V/100A.


In my tests, I got to speed, braced, pulled the brake throttle all the way, and while slowing down, would experience the brakes suddenly cutting out, then braking force return over a second or so.

I thought I was having some sort of over current event, but the app does not say that smart reverse has a minimum speed, and when I disabled it, the symptom went away, and I was able to set a stronger motor brake current and do many test stops with no issue.

I would love to have it enabled, if I could set a very low speed threshold, but I will try the other modes you mentioned.

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Then they did something funny in the FW. The user interface adjusts according to FW. The firmware has to be open source, so you can ask them for source files and that would allow people to look into the issue and fix it and re-compile it.

nabil sassi
Last seen: 2 years 4 weeks ago
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J'ai connu le même problème il faut pas faire la mise à jour revenir sur la version 5.1 j'ai contacté spintend ils m'ont fourni la version 5.1 et sa fonction très bien je suis en paramètres bidirectionnel

nabil sassi