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advice on position control

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Last seen: 4 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-01-11 11:42
Posts: 1
advice on position control

I am completely new to VESC and am hoping I can get some noob advice. Basically met Benjamin briefly in work (great guy!) and learned about his fantastic esc design. Could not resist buying one just to learn more.  I am however rather awful at programming and just do not know how to proceed.

The ESC is a trampa vesc6 100A and I have started playing with the vesctool. It was easy to setup a new motor and get it running in FOC mode. I have also installed a AS5047 encoder and it seems to work fine.

What I would like to do is to have the ESC work as a normal speedcontroller (FOC mode) controlled with PWM signal, however when I throttle down to zero I would like the esc to brake the motor and finally park it in an absolute position. In other words it needs to switch into position control at a predefined PWM value. Now I see no easy way to do this, but I am hoping I could get some advice on what I would need to do to achieve this? Easy or complicated? Can it somehow be configured in the VESC tool, or it needs a custom firmware?