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VESC Mini 4.20 boots up inconsistently, any suggestions

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Last seen: 2 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-12-11 21:05
Posts: 2
VESC Mini 4.20 boots up inconsistently, any suggestions

I have 2 Flipsky Mini 4.20 VESC connected to two 10" hub motors. I have been able to connect and set up OK. When they are powered up at least 50% of the time, one vesc doesn't start properly. When it responds to a setRPM command it rub slowly in the opposite direction and never responses to any rpm increase commands, but it does stop if I send a setRPM(0). The opposite vesc starts and run properly. The next startup it will run OK. 

I am using two UART ports on a ESP32 to send the setRPM commands to each individual vesc.  Tried to reflash and setup again but that didn't seem to help. 

Any suggestions?


Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

could be tried with paired via CAN.