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Gokart project with Dual VESC 75V /100A

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-10 12:30
Posts: 29
Gokart project with Dual VESC 75V /100A

Hi Guys 

Spent long time  to finish my Gokart project ,  after some issue with  single VESC control by PWM  , I finally move to   Dual VESC  75V 100A

 hardware :

13S7P  with  balancer 60A , 2 x  48V 800W   wheel hub 

So now , I use  CAN bus 125k   between front and  back  or my vehicke

On the front  when is a CAN bus  "transmitter"  I made a brake and accelerate paddle 

on tge back - when is a CAN bus "receive" ,    is connect tto VESC and control what   front is sending to the rear 



is there anyone who is able to point to right direction ? Now , I can drive  up to 48km/h  and  accelerate with 90A is  good enough 

But   with  -90A  brake ,, is hard to stop   well , 

what  value  your recommend to use for brake ? 

can be more  than ESC can handle ?  150A for example ?

I am confuse   because over CAN  message I send 

#define BRAKE_MAX_CURRENT     100000 // from what I see that value is set up  with mA  , so is  100A 

and is doesnt look  like it accept CAN message  , because more response I see if i adjust Motor current Brake directly in VESC 


any suggestion is welcome guys 



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Joined: 2018-08-17 07:26
Posts: 431

-200A for the battery reverse current is most definitely too much/unsafe. Can your battery take that much charge current?  You want to set the reverse battery current max to the max charge  current your battery is able to accept and you would use the motor negative current setting to adjust the braking force: the more negative current you set, the more braking power you will have. You would want to figure a comfortable number based on the vehicle gross weight and rate of braking you would want to achieve. Probably a good number to start is 1/3 of the forward motor current. For example, motor current 100A, so the braking power is -30A. Then tweak the negative number if you need more or less braking power. 



NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-10 12:30
Posts: 29


this is  just sample, as  i need to  adjust it finally 

My battery  balancer is 60A common port, so 60A discharging, 60A  charging as I understand  that correct 

to underdtand   motor brake - it will use  also VESC  to brake it ? so   motor brake power should not be more than  VESC  power , do I am  right ?

