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Help is there an issue with my new Vesc 6

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Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Help is there an issue with my new Vesc 6

I need some help. I have bought and now built a Trampa electric urban carver. I connected everything, but I can't get the motor to run, and I think the Vesc six is the problem, but I am not certain. 

The VESC 6 has a blue light and dim green when powered on, but no matter what I do or how I move switch on the wireless controller, the motor wont turn.

The controller is connected to the receiver as seen in the attached picture of the setup to show that I am doing everything correctly.

The image:

I can't think what I could be doing wrong unless the ESC has some special code to get it to turn on, like holding up and then then down. However, I have tried every combination of gestures I know to get the ESC to power on the motor, but nothing works. 

To troubleshoot I downloaded the VESC Tool, and connected the Vesc to my pc via usb, powered on the VESC so the light were visible indicating it was powered,  but I can't get the VESC to connect with the software either. Tried different cables, but the software won't recognize it. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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At first I tried with a wrong USB port, so it didn't work.

Are you sure it's the good one?!

You can try several ports.


Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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I decided to try a different computer, and immediately got it to connect.

Still need some more help, since the VESC wasn't powering the motor I assume that I need to update the bootloader and/or firmware through the VESC Tool.

When I attempted to update the bootloader (Firmware > Bootloader tab > down arrow with underline), I get the following message:

"This will attempt to upload a bootloader to the connected VESC. If the connected VESC already has a bootloader this will destroy the bootloader and firmware updates cannot be done anymore. Do you want to continue?"

So, I have not updated the bootloader because I want to update the firmware. Instead, I went to Firmware > Included Files tab > down arrow with underline, and updated the firmware that way. I then cycled the power once the firmware update was complete. The firmware is now 3.29.

Returning to the electric board I hooked everything back up, but still there is no power being sent to the motor no matter what I do with switch on the controller.

Do I need to update the bootloader, will that get the system to work, or is there something else going on. The wireless controller appears to be working, the light on the receiver is correct, as are the lights on the controller.

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Normally if you have the latest (3.29) correct version for your hardware it'll work.

Check if you have the good "app settings" PPM, ADC, UART, ... depending of the remote control you use.

Make sure it's enabled!!!

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Also make sure that only one is enabled!

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Excellent. I got the motor to "move", sort of.

I have a Maytech remote and receiver, this one:

I switched the App to Use from UART to PPM: Under App Settings > General > App to Use > "PPM" > rwite to esc 

Now, when I move the switch on the controller the motor moves with a squeel/skweek, for 1/20 of a rotation, then stops and the squealing sound becomes very high.

Under App Settings > PPM, I have changed the Control type to the 3 different primary categories available, then rewriten to the ESC, and the motor does the same thing each time, for each selection (Current, duty cycle, PID).

Here are screenshots of the software choices:

Literally, the motor turns a bit, and then makes a high pitch squaling/sqeeking sound.



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I got this all sorted. Apparently after I completed everything above, all I needed to do was follow the Motor Setup Wizard.
So, change the controller type to PPM, then do motor setup wizard.

Quick final question for anyone who knows and is reading this thread,

I just want to carve the board slowly and start slowly, and not ever go super fast. Where do I go to learn how to change these settings, and will this software do it, or do I need to purchase the more feature full version(s)?





Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Anyone know how to reverse the motor though? Through the ESC I guess?

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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I am not sure there are any limitations with the free version of the VESC Tool. The paid versions give you flair as a contributor, but nothing beyond that as far as I know.

Are you wanting to reverse the direction of the motor, or are you wanting to add the ability to reverse, as now you can only go forward?

To reverse the direction just switch any 2 of the 3 connectors on your brushless motor. The VESC Tool also allows you to do this in the software under Motor Settings->General->Invert Motor Direction

To enable reversal, PPM normally utilizes a center with a small deadband. On my RC Car transmitter, if I pull the throttle toward me, that tells the controller to spin the motor in the foward direction, if I push the throttle away on the opposite side of center, that will spin the motor in the reverse direction.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Some step by step manuals.... Frank