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VESC Tool Android - Real-Time Data per controller or combined?

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 21:40
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VESC Tool Android - Real-Time Data per controller or combined?

Title, basically. Couldn't find precise information so I thought I'd ask a quick question:


In a two-controller setup with a CAN connection, are the values from the realtime tab inside the VESC Mobile app combined data from multiple controllers or just from the currently connected controller? E.g. should I read the power draw as is or should i multiply by two if i run two VESCs? And what about Ah drawn? Fault Codes?

Stupidspencer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 00:06
Posts: 32

I use 2 VESC6+'s connected via CANbus, and my RT data and VESCtool reported faults are that of only the bluetooth connected controller. If I turn my wheels by hand, only the bluetooth connected controller shows that in VESC tool.

However, it is my understanding that VESC tool does take the second controller into consideration when calculating range and energy consumption values.