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Problems with flashing firmware to FLIPSKY ESC

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-07-19 15:17
Posts: 1
Problems with flashing firmware to FLIPSKY ESC

Dear All,

I followed this instruction to set up the environment for the VESC:

I had a problem at the "make upload" step. I tried for 3 days but I cannot solve it.

Could you please tell me any solutions for this problem.?

Thank you so much.


I use ST-Link v2 ISOLATION.


The ESC is powered by a 6S Lipo battery.


I tried to compile the code and flash the original firmware into the Flipsky ESC.

So far, I could compile successfully.


Then I tried to upload it to the ESC with make upload. But the result is this


Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2017-10-06 10:19
Posts: 9

Hi xx11xx,

I have flashed the FLIPSKYs (v4.2 as well as the v6)  before without issue using a cheap STLINK V2 clone (the 2$ ones). Most of the time I had issues with the upload it was due to reset not being configured correctly. What I do is not use the RESET line - configure for Software reset only, Then leave that line disconnected but power the chip through the STLink during flashing. Works for me.

Also - try disconnecting the LIPO - I consider having it connected as risky as you cannot really know if the µC is going to enable FETs during flashing (sure they should be high z but better safe than sorry). It should not happen and the DRV should prevent the outputs from a direct short but if you have a motor connected it might just short a coil. Also it is simply unnecessary as the stlink provides the power for flashing. If for some reason you think that won't work for you (does for me) just use a lab bench supply limited to like 1-2A. Also using just the stlink might save your hardware from being destroyed if you flash wrong firmware by accident. You can connect to VESC tool using USB only powered through the stlink to make sure firmware numbers match before reconnecting the battery.  

Good luck.
