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VESC6 firmware update fail

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Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 2017-08-02 00:29
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VESC6 firmware update fail

so I started VESC tool to configure my new VESC6 but it says the firmware needs to be updated.  So I go to the firmware page and it says Hardware Version 60 firmware VESC_default.bin

So I click on VESC_default.bin and click the update firmware button.  It writes the data and disconnects.

Power cycle, reconnect and it says, "the connected VESC has too old firmware..."

Below that screen it says, "supported firmwares 3.25, 3.26, but I can't click on either of those, so I really don't know what I'm loading.

Then I read this: and it says to go to the upload bootloader tab and update the bootloader, but when I do that it says, "if the connected VESC already has a bootloader it will destroy the bootloader..."  So I'm not excited about that but I click the Yes button and it immediately says, "the connected VESC has too old firmware..."

So how do I get the supported firmware into VESC Tool, and wouldn't it make sense to make naming convention for the firmware something like VESC_default_3.27.bin so I know what I'm loading?

Thanks for your help,



Roger Wolff
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If you got the bootloader you can update the firmware:

Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-08-02 00:29
Posts: 5

It's working!  updated to VESC tool 0.80, successfully updated the firmware and everything is right in the world.

Thank you for your help,

Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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I'm having the same problem. Everytime I go to upgrade the firmware it only gives me "60" as an option and doesn't upgrade the VESC. I'm afraid to try the bootloader because I don't want to break my VESC forever

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VESC-Tool recognizes the HW and if you only get the .60 file, you probably uploaded the 60 FW on the 412 hardware. Yuu will need to upload the correct 410 411 412 FW using the custom FW tab. After uploading the correct FW, your VESC-Tool should recognize the HW as 410 411 412


Last seen: 3 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2024-10-06 10:46
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could you send me the file bcs the website turn off  thanks