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RT Data, v3.01, Amazon Fire Tablet (sideloaded)

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Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2022-01-06 15:43
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RT Data, v3.01, Amazon Fire Tablet (sideloaded)

I have a 2019 Amazon Fire HD 10 that I've hacked to sideload the full.apk file.  Everything works well except RT Data.   I do see data under "Since Start", but nothing under "Trip" nor any graphs.  The only permissions (storage & locations) are enabled.  Not sure what could be wrong.

Everything works on an Android phone (sideloaded mobile.apk).


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I guess no one will have an exact answer to this question. In general we try to avoid devices that need to be hacked to execute a basic right (install software of your choice). Android devices don't need sideloading since it is a usual way to install things like apps. Sideloading is a ridiculous Apple term to describe the usual way of installing software as being somehow not the right way. Like bypass the big money funnel... On Android devices the Play Store is only one of many ways to buy/get software and install it.

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2022-01-06 15:43
Posts: 40

I did not realize sideloading had such a pejorative connotation. 

All I meant is that I transferred the full.apk file directly from a PC via USB. The Fire tablets are a good value and mostly an Android device, but uses Amazon's own revenue-generating scheme rather than the Google Play Store. (Part of the hack now allows it to load apps via Google Play.)

Figured I'd mention it in case anyone has seen the problem before.