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BIG Flash/Spark!!!!! New 100v/250a :-(

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-05-13 01:29
Posts: 11
BIG Flash/Spark!!!!! New 100v/250a :-(

Hi all,

Just been working on the throttle config of my new 100/250 vesc and mating it to my qs205 dd motor when a big flash or spark came from inside the vesc and now smells burnt(as you would expect) it will not now throttle but turns on ok with no red flashing light.Also the motor will not turn like the phase wires are connected.Disconnected the vesc completely for returning but the motor does now turn free as per the norm.Really after some info on why a brand new unit would just blow up and how this can be avoided next time if poss please guys.I have stripped apart a fully working ebike and redesigned lots in the effort for a more up to date controller with a much better throttle feel but this has made me wonder tbh.Any help at this point would be a great help at this point please guys.


Cheers lee


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Posts: 575

Does the motor turn freely now when the vesc is not connected to it?

Sounds like the fets blew up. 

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Joined: 2018-08-17 07:26
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I concur. Spark+boom+shorted phases is definitely a sign of a failed mosfets group. You can be lucky if it's one leg or even one mosfet but it may be a pain in the neck to replace them. That's provided nothing else blew up apart from mosfets. Maybe reach out to the seller? I think trampa warranties those controllers. At least, there is a seal on the controller that says Warranty is void if opened.



NextGen FOC High voltage 144v/34s, 30kw (

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-05-13 01:29
Posts: 11

Hi guys,thanks for the quick replies.Yeah the motor does run free again now the motor is disconnected.Im in talks with Trampaboards atm and as it was in initial setup i would of thought warrented and i have not touched the seal.Hopefully get it sorted and making vids again soon.


Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-05-13 01:29
Posts: 11

Guys at Trampaboards replaced it after trying to find what was the cause.

Thanks Guys