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Initial Setup wizard fails, HW 4.10

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Initial Setup wizard fails, HW 4.10

I have used the HW 4.10 in the past and now wanted to reuse it with the newest version. But the motor does never move. There are a few odd things I can't tell which the root cause is. Hence let me list the steps...

  1. I downloaded the VESC tool free windows. Upon connection it told me that my firmware is too old, so I selected from the HW tab the 4.10&4.11&4.12 item, in the firmware tab is said "VESC_default.bin" and I uploaded that.
  2. It did erase and upload and then said "FW Upload Done" and error message: "Serial port error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of a thread exit or an application request.". 
  3. Reconnected and now the installed version reads: VESC Firmware Version 3.28, Hardware: 48, UUID: 3B 00 2F 00 13 51 34 33 33 35 31 35
  4. In the firmware tab it now reads HW 48 only, not 4.10.
  5. Next I run the Motor Setup Wizard with all default, BLDC, sensorless etc. In the screen where you detect the BLDC Settings, I click on the run button and after 20 secs it says "detection failed" and no motor movement did happen.
  6. I know the electric cables are okay because in the FOC detection screen the motor does make some noise (and returns with R=0 error).

In the VESC terminal it says below which does not make much sense either. 


Any ideas or advice?


The following faults were registered since start:
Current : -1.5 
Current filtered : 0.7 
Voltage : 11.83 
Duty : 0.003 
RPM : 6.7 
Tacho : 3 
Cycles running : 0 
TIM duty : 11 
TIM val samp : 1050 
TIM current samp : 3150 
TIM top : 4200 
Comm step : 2 
Temperature : -273.15
Roger Wolff
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Although the actual signals to the FETs are quite fixed over all the revisions, the other pins are  sometimes moved around. So if your firmware says it is 4.8 and your hardware is 4.10 it might command something on a pin that is connected somewhere else. 

(on the other hand, sometimes a hardware revision does not require changes in the firmware. So it could be that 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 share the same firmware. I don't know). 

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Agreed. But how do I correct that when the bootloader tells the wrong hardware?

Roger Wolff
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Yes, as far as I know, the new system should prevent firmware built for one version going into hardware of another version. What happens when the first time things went wrong... I don't  know. You can surely recover from this with an STLINK. But do you have one? Do you know how to use it?

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STLINK I can manage. Where do I get the bootloader hex file from? 

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flash base address 0x080E0000


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You can also use the custom file tab in the firmware page and upload a firmware from here:

I should probably add a FAQ page with info like this.

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Yes, that did the trick.

Just downloaded the latest tool version, connected my 4.11 hardware and because of the boot loader, it showed the 48 HW only in the firmware tab. Therefore downloaded the 4.1x default.bin from your link, and performed a custom file firmware upgrade specifying this downloaded file. 

Now the bootloader shows the HW4.1x version correctly and motor setup worked flawlessly.