Hi all, I have a v4.12 HW vesc, and used that for half a year on a 8S diy e-skate, 2-3 years ago. then it has been off till now.
So I installed the new Vesc-Tool and found out the firmware was old (2.18) so blindly updated to 5.1 (without checking the HW version..)
The motor doesn't run anymore. and I have the FAULT_CODE_DRV every time i try to move it using arrow keys or trying the BLDC detection.
I would think about the DRV8302 has died, BUT the strange thing is that if I try to set up that as FOC, the automatic Detection makes the motor turn! and detection goes ok.
So Can someone tell me if I should try anyway to change the DRV8302, or if it can be something different happening?
My test setup now is using a 12V 5A lab power supply.
I need more details, can you add it?
shell shockers unblocked