It said my VESC firmware was out of date, and it was a simple one-click to update the firmware and get things running. The motor and app setup wizards are extremely helpful and well designed. There are help buttons that give meaningful insight into each adjustable parameter. Many things are still way over my head. I really appreciate Benjamin, rpasichnyk and many others for their hard work. The VESC and the tool are a joy to use!
Was anyone able to update Mac version to 0.81?
New version is available from the same Github.
I just got my first VESC in the mail and put everything together yesterday. I downloaded the 0.82 of the Mac OS X VESC tool here:
It said my VESC firmware was out of date, and it was a simple one-click to update the firmware and get things running. The motor and app setup wizards are extremely helpful and well designed. There are help buttons that give meaningful insight into each adjustable parameter. Many things are still way over my head. I really appreciate Benjamin, rpasichnyk and many others for their hard work. The VESC and the tool are a joy to use!
this is one more craizy web mirror with void download links.
the disorder of the opensource vesc.
I am waiting for three shunts design
shell shockers