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Using the built-in gyro for RC cars

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Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2020-06-10 09:55
Posts: 4
Using the built-in gyro for RC cars

Hi folks! My VESC 6 has a built-in gyroscope and I can see the orientation of the VESC in my Android app. Is it possible to use this data for stability control of RC cars?

I would like to detect when the car is doing a wheelie. In this case the ESC should decrease the acceleration so that the car does not back-flip.

Another interesting feature would be to control the car in the air. This can be recognized by a strong acceleration (a=g, where g is the gravity) in z-direction. In this case the ESC should try to balance the car by adjusting the speed of the wheels so that the car stays flat.

How easy can this be realized? Can this be done using the VESC tool or do I have to code these features? In case of the latter: Where in the code should I add these features (I'm actually a professional programmer)? Which routines are best suited for that?

Last seen: 3 days 12 hours ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575

That sounds like some cool ideas! I think you will need to make custom app for that, there are existing ones already here that you could have a look at