I'm using the VESC 6 Beta with 118kv Trampa Motor (FOC, sensorless) on a Street Carver Board. I control via PPM (using rc car equipment). The problem being that i get full duty cycle already at very low throttle position. This especially noticeable when testing without load. Suprisingly enough driving the board was sort of OK (at least @22V). Will still have to test @44V. Nevertheless the effect was still there: I reach full speed with hardly any pull on the throttle. What can I do about it?
It seems I cannot add images, so here's a Link to the photo:
i am having same problem
When in actual use, it works best if the throttle commands the current and not something else.
When there is no load, even a small current will be able to reach full speed. That's simply the way it is. That's how it is supposed to work.