HI, I upgraded to vesc 3.64/vesc-tool 1.27 on a dual foxbox (legacy) setup connected via can bus.
my default secondary can id is 84. primaray is 21.
can_scan identifies 84. however if I enable the PPM app or the PPM + UART app then the can_scan will show the secondary device as id 93 or sometimes 92. can forwarding fails. on all 3 ids, 84, 93, and 92. changing the remote can id to 1 and master to 0 has similar effect. with the secondary being seen as id 9 or 10 instead of 1.
downgraded to vesc 1.62 / vesc-tool 1.25 and cannot reproduce the problem.
// PPM enabled
Found VESC with ID: 92
// just rerun can_scan
Found VESC with ID: 93
// PPM app disabled.
Found VESC with ID: 84
posted as issue on bldc github, https://github.com/vedderb/bldc/issues/119