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FSESC6.6 and Rpi via UART - Understanding the software

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Joined: 2019-04-03 16:28
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FSESC6.6 and Rpi via UART - Understanding the software

Hey all. Thanks so much in advance for reading!

I am trying to get to where I can control 4 motors with two of the Dual FSESC6.6.

I am trying to use UART to connect to the first ESC, and then use the CAN bus to connect to the rest.

However, I know that this project is a bit advanced for me. My experience is that I have used UART to pull data from a GPS module, and written custom code to parse it.

I am trying to understand and use Benjamin Vedder's project for UART communication between a stm32discovery board and a VESC, and adapt it to an Rpi 3 b+.

It can be found here:

He (sort of) explains what you have to customize to port the code to another platform here:


The code I've used for UART so far was all adapted from the code on this page:

Is there an explanation of how to do this that doesn't involve YOU having to teach me an entire class on programming? laugh


Thanks again. I know this is a sizeable project, and I really appreciate how willing you all are to help out people you don't know!

Last seen: 2 years 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-26 11:23
Posts: 3

Hi @gabrielredding. Quite coincidentally, I am currently also trying to interface my VESC to an RPi. I have found the following projects on Github which supposedly perform the task that we are trying to achieve. I recommend you check them out. Let me know if you get any progress and I will do likewise.

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-03 16:28
Posts: 5

Hello! Thanks for the response! I will check out those links and see what I can come up with. I did some extensive searching, and did not come across those, so I really appreciate it.

Last seen: 2 years 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-26 11:23
Posts: 3

Any progress?