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Updated firmware, now can't setup VESC...wth?

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-01 03:44
Posts: 5
Updated firmware, now can't setup VESC...wth?

Hi all,

My name is kerry, I'm new to these forums and the VESC tool/device in general. So I've had my Flipsky VESC 6.6 Dual for a couple months now, when I first got it I was able to follow online vid's to get it setup. It took several tries but eventually I got it. I don't know how I just know that it worked, that is until a firmware update came along. So I update from 3.54 to 3.57 ( I think were the versions) by first connecting via USB to the respective VESC 'A' (for sake of discussion since this is a dual VESC I will call one half of the VESC 'A' and the other half connected via CANbus  'B'), and the VESC tool reported success! Then I disconnected and plugged into the other USB port of 'B' to update the other half of the VESC, again success!... At least it said it was successful - I have my doubts - but the most difficult part of this for me (and I am struggling to even describe this properly) is even knowing if I did indeed properly update it.

When I try to connect to the VESC B via it's USB port I get an error saying "Could not read firmware version, make sure the selected port really belongs to the VESC". I don't understand what this means but in the lower right it says: "Connected (serial) to COM3", however once I click OK, it then reports: "Not connected".  When I do this while plugged into USB for VESC A and click connect icon I connect like I normally should. I took some screenshots but I can't figure out how to insert them into my post.

And I haven't even gotten to the part of trying to map the remote throttle...can't figure that out either - in PPM or UART I just can't figure out what's wrong. But I think we should focus on the firmware updating first, right?

I am so damn confused and at the end of my wits with regards to this, you really have no idea. I was able to set this up the first time ok but this time I don't even know what the hell I'm doing and I don't know why. Can anyone please help? Assuming I left good enough detail of what's wrong...probably didn't even do that right. I can't even figure out how to insert a pic here so I know I suck so you don't have to point that out...

Anyways, sorry to have such a lame introduction on my first posting here but you can't even begin to understand my state of mind right now

Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-01 03:44
Posts: 5

Are these forums even active?

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-23 13:41
Posts: 5

i got no answers eigher. Documentation and support is not good here. No changelog etc. Maybe it was a mistake to spend so much money.,

Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-11-08 09:50
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The support for this product indeed is poor, assume very few peoples are here who know well the SW side. The author from another side perhaps is overloaded as sole developer thus having no time to answer on the forum, then you are mostly on your own... 

I know to play a little bit around STM32 and in the case when end up in bricked device then I use a shortcut by reflashing it to known working firmware, this is the only advise I may provide... 


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After FW uploads, you need to wait for 10 seconds before you reboot. One side of your VESC clone is bricked now.

Sollution: SWD PROG the non working side.

Minute 5:40 onwards.


Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-03 18:06
Posts: 55

This is also a good one:

I used this to get my VESC back. You need a ST-Link V2, you can purchase them very cheap.

The 'difficult' there is no 'ready to go' connector for this, I used some lose wire with soldered female pins on it with shrink tube, maybe you have like a arduino set, there is maybe such wire's in it.